
Do betta fish require an air stone in a 10 gallon tank? Why would they need one? - Quora

$ 15.50 · 5 (354) · In stock

Which fish and how much can be kept in a 10 gallon betta tank without an air pump? - Quora

How often do you clean a betta fish bowl? - Quora

Why did one of my female betta fish suddenly kill another one? - Quora

Do betta fishes have personality? - Quora

How to ensure my betta will be safe from common pleco - Quora

My fish tank is 10 gallons, fully cycled, has an air pump, and I do my weekly 50% water changes, so why do my three goldfish still gasp for air? - Quora

My betta refuses all food. What should I give him? - Quora

Why is my betta fish not making bubbles? - Quora

Are sponge filters effective in fish aquariums? - Quora

Are Betta fish the best pet you can get for the price? - Quora

How to clean a fish aquarium - Quora

What is the best type of fish to get for a 10L tank? - Quora

Can the same betta pair breed twice? - Quora

Do betta fish require an air stone in a 10 gallon tank? Why would they need one? - Quora

What are the differences between betta fish and goldfish? Which is easier to take care of? - Quora