
What do paratroopers use when jumping out of planes? - Quora

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Are the Parachute Regiment the most elite of the British Army? - Quora

Which is better trained and tougher, Russian, British or American paratroopers? - Quora

How high do military paratroopers drop? And how high do they deploy their parachutes? - Quora

What would happen if skydivers open their parachutes before they reach terminal velocity? - Quora

Do paratroopers ever fight on foot instead of jumping out of planes/helicopters in combat situations? - Quora

Do paratroopers jump from the back of cargo planes? - Quora

What do paratroopers use when jumping out of planes? - Quora

How safe is military parachuting? - Quora

Is the speed of fall between a conventional parachute and a military one different? - Quora

How many tandem training jumps does the average US Army Airborne Ranger take before they are expected to conduct mission oriented solo jumps? - Quora

What kind of plane do paratroopers jump out of? - Quora

Were there any Soviet paratroopers during WW2? It seems like there is no documentation on them. - Quora

If they were more widely deployed throughout WWII, how effective would the German paratroopers be? And if they did use them, would they have made much of a difference? - Quora

What do paratroopers use when jumping out of planes? - Quora

When paratroopers drop from a high altitude in the air, do the magazines in the pouches or helmets not fall off? - Quora